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Scammer 7 Story

Welcome Terri from NY a new scammer to the hall of SHAME!

Beware of Terri from New York - 479-876-0606

Terri from New York (if you google the phone number it shows Arkansas location), (ad below) stolen this photo from my friend Michelle at Stonehillfrenchies.com. He/she is listing the puppy he/she does not even have on puppyfind for $350.00 which includes shipping. Everyone in the right mind knows that you cannot purchase a French Bulldog for that price. Why in the WORLD would you EVEN think about LISTING A DOG YOU DO NOT EVEN OWN! This is what happens - you send the money to these individuals - then you get nothing and you are out $350.00 - they are happy because its $350.00 more they did not have yesterday! I am sick of this and I have cut and pasted this ad to show people out there what is going on with these scammers and what they will do for money.  There are some people that will fall for this obviously because they would not be posting so many of these dogs on sites for the price. 


Scam 1 :: Scam 2 :: Scam 3 :: Scam 4 :: Scam 5 :: Scam 6 :: Scam 7

Scammers Main:: Puppy Mill Story :: The Wrong Puppy :: Donald Conner :: Letter from Vet

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