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Scammer 2 Story

S.P. of Arizona

Update on this individual: http://www.kpho.com/story/19163257/peoria-woman-arrested-for-counterfeit-bills-at-yard-sales

Where you will see MANY MANY MORE other people that have been scammed by her! - This inhumane women is NO JOKE, BEWARE!

Letter written by the buyer in regards to the seller:

I am emailing this notice to you in the hopes that this may prevent someone else from being deceived the way I have been by this person.

In August 2004 I purchased a French bulldog from a person by the name of S.P. in Arizona who advertises her dogs on Puppy Find, Yahoo and  Puppydogweb.  Her advertisement stated that this dog was show potential, from the Cox line with pedigree and was a rare all white female.  I bought her for $3000 and when I received her the puppy’s tail was way to long and stood upward as she walked.  When I took her to the vet the vet informed me that she has an inguinal hernia and that I should not breed her and that they would repair this when I spay her.  I contacted the breeder and requested that since I could not show her due to her tail and since I cannot breed her because of the hernia that I felt she should refund me $500.  She informed me that because she is female that her tail may not be like the males and that she would talk to her vet about my puppy’s hernia and call me back in a day or two.  This was over two weeks ago and I have sent her numerous emails and she chooses to ignore me.  I see on the web where she has more of these poor frenchies that she is selling and the environment that these animals are in is heart breaking. 

Why am I sending you this?  Because it is a shame that people like this person which I have heard are called a backyard breeder not only do not care about improving the breed but also damage the public’s trust in the good responsible breeders that are out there.  PLEASE, PLEASE make all the breeders you know aware of this person and maybe we can get this person off the super highway so she won’t be able to continue to cheat other innocent people.  I am attaching two pictures of two of her dogs that she is currently advertising.  Thank you.

This person has cleaned up her pictures now but I would definitely beware!

More NEWS of Scam Artist SUSAN PATTERSON - also known to steal other people's pictures to place on her ads as if she is selling that particular pup/dog.



  Picture #1 of Show Quality Pup
Purchased as a show quality pup, I guess paying extra price means u get more tail!
Picture #2 of Show Quality Pup
When Purchaser tried to contact Buyer, she was no where to be found.

(picture of parent dog's kennel home) - not very clean!

I want to alert people about another person who sold a puppy to a friend of mine, promised her that the dog would be show quality etc.  However I do realize that when a puppy is a puppy basically it is show potential because all dogs grow differently and something can prevent the pup from becoming show quality when fully grown.  This person however did not feel it was important to discuss with the buyer that the puppy had a "terrier" type tail which definitely does not make this puppy "show" quality or potential.  When she received the puppy it was filthy and in a few weeks was discovered by the vet that it had an inguinal hernia.  She contacted the seller and asked for a very small amount of money back $500.00 which we know is very small amount considering what she has paid for and what she received .  The seller misled her for a chunk of change.  


Scam 1 :: Scam 2 :: Scam 3 :: Scam 4 :: Scam 5 :: Scam 6 :: Scam 7

Scammers Main:: Puppy Mill Story :: The Wrong Puppy :: Donald Conner :: Letter from Vet

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