I want to warn people out
there about an experience that I had. It was horrible, heartless and I
still cannot get over that someone would do this to a person or the precious
puppy. I was currently browsing through a puppy search site to find
a possible show quality female to add to my family. Well I ran into the
wrong person (WHICH PLEASE RESEARCH WISELY). This person claimed to be a
breeder and these puppies were from his litter. I was new into this world
and was naive. There was a picture of the puppy I wanted so I western
union the money for a Pie Female Puppy, when I went to the airport I received a
black male puppy. So I called up a bit angry by this, he said it was the
airlines mix up, so I given him the benefit of the doubt. Then months
passed by and numerous calling to where my puppy is, he said oh sorry it has
taken so long she is coming. Well she did arrive, (still not the right
dog), barely alive and a bit too young to be taken away from her mother (false
paperwork they given me with her as well, said she was born 10-18-2003) If you
look at the pictures below the day she passed away, you can tell that this baby
was NOT born in 2003. She was 10% alive when I received her . 1 week
later, after several trips to my excellent vet, there was nothing nobody could
do for this baby, she was lifeless. I sat many hours holding her with a
heating blanket, towel and prayed to God to help her through this. But Baby Maddy
was just to week to swallow, move, or even do anything, that night she
passed away in my arms, trying hard to look up at me one last time,
possibly to say thank you for caring about me, I don't know why people do
this. As I write this I cry still today, it is horrible and sick for
a stupid dollar. I tried to contact these people, who I later found
out run a pet shop in New York
(WOW! How about that, they taken down their website) where they import these animals and don't even look to see what condition they
come in. Also you can find them at this location advertising:
http://www.pupcity.com/puppies-for-sale/view.asp?adid=1096 .
They won't return my phone call, they do not care one bit of how
they can destroy an animal and a person! I tried contacting so many
people to put them to shame, no one cares... however they will not understand
the pain one has inside when seeing a puppy die in your arms. They are here to
play, love and learn from us...not to be tossed around like an object. I
will not give up, I have contacted several breeder clubs, authorities in NYC
etc. In time they will get what they deserve... JUSTICE! |
R.I.P. Little Baby
Maddy - 4-29-04
Maddy for the inhumane, selfish pigs that decided to fly you away while you were
sick, instead of giving you the proper care and life you deserve. I tried
everything in my power, including several vets to make your lifeless body regain
itself to the puppy you damn well deserved to be. I will never forget the
harm, hurt and suffering you went through just to see how cruel the world is.
You never deserved this!
Scam 1 &
Scam 7
ANTON! Or whatever other name they try to use in the alphabet!
They change their names more than Carter has pills!
646-354-1562 or 718-332-4252
Newest Phone#
herway38@aol.com |
Another Person's Experience!
I just looked and puppiesworldwide is no
longer...I am sure they are going to pop up else
where...That Anton guy...What a psycho he was to
deal with. I got my money back from the idiots
when I had the US Postal service investigate the
matter. They claimed that they never got my
check, yet we should that it was scanned and
delivered to their shop! That is the day we
found out they were a puppy mill and shop. We
found this out by the mail carrier himself. He
confirmed delivering the letter to the idiots
and told us the shops name. Prior to sending the
check, Dawn was nice as can be and led us to
believe she was the breeder. Once
the check went out.....no more contact or
information from them. Once I claimed fraud,
then Anton went to screeming at me for two days.
The fool could not understand that we proved
that check was delivered and once
told I had inspectors on it...the check was
mysteriously found two days later. The guy had
the gull to claim harassment on me! I want to
see these idiots out of business for good as
their practices are not right.
Dawn is now under NEVERAGAINPC@AOL.COM and she
still has the ole LittleGNY that I am sure you
have seen. Anyway thanks for writing back
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